Story : the donkey in the well

A farmer owned an old donkey. One evening, the latter fell into a well. The farmer heard his moans in the distance and found him in a most inextricable situation.
The farmer took stock of the situation and although he had great sympathy for the poor animal, he decided that neither the latter nor the well was worth saving. So he called his two sons who helped him bury the poor animal in the well in order to put an end to his suffering.

At first glance, when the donkey felt the earth bury him, he panicked. Then, little by little, an idea came to his mind.

every time a shovel of earth landed on his back, he would shake it and trample on it.

This is exactly what he did! He shook the earth from his back and walked on it! Again and again, he kept repeating these words over and over as encouragement.

Each shovel was painful and the situation looked hopeless but the donkey remained focused on his goal to avoid panic and despair. He continued to rise gradually from the well by hopping on each heap of earth thrown by the two men.

Exhausted, the donkey still managed to reach the top of the well, much to his relief! This same land which was supposed to bury him alive had on the contrary helped him to survive! The donkey had managed to overcome this obstacle with bravery and obstinacy.



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